Saturday, January 29, 2011


Salam Everyone!!
So let's start brain storming !! What do you guys want to do next??

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gift basket for our misconduct

Please bring an item, food or otherwise, for the gift basket (that was suggested in class) to make ammends for our misconduct.  Thank you for your contibutions. Please bring it this Sunday.  As, well if you have a nice basket, you can bring that too and we'll choose the best one to put the gifts in.  If you have any questions email sister Haqqa at

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Salam everyone,
As we all know sister Kuburat has had her baby, it’s a baby girl JJJ
So we have decided that it would be nice to have cards and maybe a small gift for her when she returns, Please comment below on if you will bring your own card or gift. We will also have a group card for everyone to sign. Inshallah pray for her baby daughter to be well and healthy <3


Salam everyone!
I just wanted to inform everyone that the masjid cleaning has been postponed to January 22, 2011. This is because there will be an event going on this Saturday so we won’t be able to go according to planned. Please please and please contact me at or text at (315)863-7553 if you are coming. I NEED TO KNOW A.S.A.P!!!!!!!!! (also if you would like to bring a snack to share it would be wonderful) BUT!!!!!!! MAKE SURE TO CONTACT ME SOME WAY IF YOU ARE COMING!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Iman Night

Salam everyone!!!!!

As we have mentioned in our last meeting the  Masjid will be hosting the first Iman Day (night) this Friday, January 7th

EVERYONE IS WELCOMED!!! Both guys and the girls!!!
It will start with a Potluck Dinner at 6:30PM followed by the Iman Day program after Isha prayer at 7:30PM.  ISCNY will provide refreshments and cold drinks, please bring a favorite dish to share with others.
The topic for the first Iman Day will highlight the first of Imam An-Nawawi's 40-Hadith. The hadith and a brief description together with the night schedule are attached.
The night will involve presentations, assorted videos, discussion panels, stories and a workshop. Insha-Allah, this program will help us apply and practice Iman in our daily lives. 
The address is 925 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, NY !