Sunday, December 5, 2010

Our 1st post

Salam Everyone!!!

I would like to start by saying that i think the group meeting we had on Sunday was by far the most productive we have ever gotten!! GREAT JOB!! and Insh'allah i hope we will do even better next time. All events and ideas will be posted and i hope that you write what's on your mind also. Insh'allah may this be one of the steps to a successful youth group program. Feel free to comment and ask any questions.


  1. oooh. I get the chance to write te first comment. Airnt i a lucky duckling. lol anyway i think we should go ice sckating. And this is Salwa

  2. lol salwa u spelled the and aren't wrong :)) its nora btw! lol but ya iceskating is fun if i knew how. o ya we should do a bake sale december 19th because of the parent conferences so there would be more people. If u guys think it's a good idea tell me and ill make the fliers.. thank you!! :))

  3. hey asmae srry i couldnt b the first 1 to comment ehemm salwa! but ya ii think u r doing a great job and r a great leader!!!!!! btw its hebba!
